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We help you understand where you are now and aim to help you reach your financial goals.


Edwards Bradley PC is now Sarah Bradley CPA PLLC

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Our planning services.

We typically cover some or all of the following when we work together, as relevant to your unique setting:


  • Income tax planning

  • Equity awards

  • Charitable planning

  • Education planning

  • Cash flow planning

  • Integrated planning

  • Estate, gift, and wealth transfer planning

  • Risk management

  • Financial independence/retirement planning

  • Business owner planning

  • Debt management

  • Liquidity events

Tax return preparation.

Many of our clients have found it valuable to have us prepare their tax returns. We can prepare your individual, partnership, S-corporation, trust, estate, gift, FBAR, and/or private foundation return efficiently and effectively because we partner with you on your financial plan. We feel it is important to prepare your returns with our own minds and hands given our deep knowledge of taxes and your unique setting, so we do not outsource this important work. Tax compliance is the final step in our interactions with you in tax planning.​


Our value lies in the integrated and individualized planning that is unique to your setting and the expertise we bring to the table so you can spend time on what you love and with those you love. We determine our engagement fees on a client-by-client basis. 

Investment Chart

What we don't do

We are not in the business of providing advice regarding investments or securities and are not registered investment advisers. We do not sell securities or insurance products. And we do not accept any commissions, referral fees, or other kickbacks, which means you can feel assured that we always have your best interest at heart in all we do. That's what sets us apart.


Phone: 503 222-4708

Fax: 503 222-2557

Oregon | North Carolina


Mailing Address:

4949 Meadows Rd, Suite 600 | Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Live somewhere else?

We work with clients across the United States and around the world. Whether virtually or in-person, we are ready to work with you.

© Edwards Bradley PC 2024

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